07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
With expertise in cultural and natural heritage management, particularly in relation to historic landscapes and buildings, wildlife and ecology and the museum sector, we are uniquely placed to help develop and deliver multidisciplinary projects and organisations.
Project development
We have substantial experience in the development of projects, securing their funding, supporting their delivery and assessing their impact and success.
We have been involved with the development of projects funded by a variety of local, regional, national and European trusts and organisations.
We can lead projects or are happy to act as a specialist consultant for a single element.
As part of this work we undertake:
feasibility studies
bid preparation
funding raising
partnership development
project management
As part of examining the feasibility of project proposals we carryout:
visitor and audience research including developing focus groups
public and community consultation
market research and service appraisal
comparator analysis
tourism audits
Where required for funding bids we prepare:
collections management plans
management and maintenance plans
conservation management plans
learning plans
community engagement plans
volunteering plans
activity plans
audience development plans
interpretive plans
Project Development