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Historic environment

We advise owners and managers of historic buildings, monuments, landscapes, parks and gardens on the management of their heritage assets and on development in the historic environment.


We uncover what is special about a building, place or landscape, identify opportunities for improvements, guide interventions, and provide advice throughout the project development and planning application process.


Natural environment 

We provide a range of ecological services for all stages of project planning, design and implementation.  We undertake ecological assessments and surveys and develop mitigation and management plans.


We develop habitat restoration, enhancement and creation plans and specifications and can oversee the implementation of our schemes.



As a Registered Practice of the Landscape Institute  we provide a full range of services supported by our complementary skills and expertise in ecology, the historic environment and visualization.


Our services include Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Landscape Design.





© Phil Collins Associates                   Langapark, Dunsford, Exeter EX6 7HE             07411 460732  


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