07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
Historic Landscapes
We work with clients to help shape and deliver historic landscape projects. We help clients develop and fund projects by providing business plans, securing funding and developing partnerships and audiences.
We have expertise in the assessment, conservation and management of historic landscape, parks and gardens and the conservation of historic buildings and monuments found in historic landscapes parks and gardens.
Research and appraisal
Research to identify and understand the significance and special features of historic landscapes, sites, monuments and buildings.
Statements of significance
Condition surveys
Heritage impact appraisals
Setting appraisal
Feasibility studies
Concept development
Conservation management plans
Plans that:
provide a comprehensive assessment of a site's significance
assess the impacts of development proposals
provide the context and rationale for planning applications, repair and maintenance schemes
reveal the history of a site to inform interpretation and audience development
provide specialist management and maintenance advice and plans
support funding applications​
Heritage management plans
to meet inheritance tax exemptions for estates
Interpretation plans
We develop interpretation plans that :
develop a consistent, coherent and compelling set of storylines.
define outcomes and communication goals
develop storylines and content that provoke emotion, thought and further inquiry.
Dartmoor Teign Valley Woods
Dartmoor Teign Valley Woods