07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
Historic Buildings
We have expertise in the assessment, conservation and management of historic buildings. and their creative reuse.
Research and appraisal
We carryout research to identify and understand the significance and special features of historic landscapes, sites, monuments and buildings.
Statements of significance
Condition surveys
Setting appraisal
Feasibility studies
Concept development
Conservation management plans
We develop plans that:
provide the context and rationale for planning applications, repair and maintenance schemes
assess the impacts of development proposals
reveal the history of a site to inform interpretation and audience development
provide specialist management and maintenance advice
support funding applications
restoration and management plans
Guidance and advice
We provide advice on:
options for sensitive modification or extension
appropriate and sympathetic conservation
environmental issues from insulation to protected species such as bats
Design and management of conservation projects
Project development and funding
Planning and listed building consents
Creative re-use, design and specification
Building Regulations applications
Tender administration
Coordination of contractors and specialists
Project management
We advise on sources of funding for building conservation and develop grant and trust funding applications on behalf of clients