07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
Heritage Management
Our passion is to help heritage, environment, museum and community organisations to achieve their aims and realise their ambitions. We offer a range of specialist advice relating to our cultural and natural heritage.
Research and appraisal
Research to identify and understand the significance and special features of historic landscapes, sites, monuments, collections, churches and secular buildings and our industrial and transport heritage.
Statements of significance
Condition surveys
Setting appraisal
Conservation management plans
Plans that:
provide the context and rationale for repair and maintenance schemes and extension and alterations and related planning applications and consents for historic buildings and monuments, museums and galleries, churches, parks and gardens, industrial archaeological and transport heritage sites
assess the impacts of development proposals
reveal the history of a site to inform Interpretation and audience development
provide specialist management and maintenance advice
support funding applications
Conservation Area Appraisals and management plans
review and appraisal of conservation areas
development of management plans and guidance
Heritage management plans
Plans that:
provide clear policies and proposals for maintaining and enhancing the outstanding qualities and importance of historic landscapes, sites and buildings
support inheritance tax exemption and grant applications
Audience development and activity planning
Research, analysis and planning to find and deliver ways to engage and excite people and to contribute to their knowledge, interest and enjoyment: :
audience surveys
market research
focus groups and community engagement
action planning
life long learning plans
HLF Activity Plans
schools programmes
outreach programme
volunteer programmes
Interpretation plans
Interpretation plans that:
develop a consistent, coherent and compelling set of storylines.
define outcomes and communication goals
develop storylines and content that provoke emotion, thought or further inquiry.