07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
Devon Climate Action Network was established to coordinate and network between community based climate action and transition groups in the county.
Twelve communities were members of the Transition Towns movement and a further eighteen groups were active in the county.
PCA were commissioned to survey the member organisations of DeCAN to establish their view on the future direction and strategy of the organisation. The surveys also assessed the success of DeCAN and its members in achieving behavioural change and in engendering support for positive action for sustainability in Devon’s communities.
PCA designed the survey approach, with an on-line questionnaire, telephone and a sample of in person follow-up interviews.
The contract included a review of best practice examples and case studies, leading to the development of an on-line knowledge base of best practice examples from group members and further afield.
The information was partially collated in order to inform the Sustainable Energy Across Common Space (SEACS) INTERREG IVA Project that sort to map and understand existing good practice relating to activities and initiatives aimed at getting individuals, households, community groups/organisations and schools to adopt energy efficiency and/or renewable energy measures in their homes and buildings.
PCA also provided, or updated communications tools such as the DeCAN web site, newsletter and membership / contact database.
Project Example
Devon Climate Change
Action Network (DeCAN)
Our contribution:
Assessment of future options for DeCAN.
Design and delivery of membership:
Telephone interview survey
Email survey
On-line survey
In-person interviews
Review of website functionality
Website redesign
Review of best practice and case studies
Development of an on-line knowledge base
Review of best practice and case studies
Design, production and distribution of an E-newsletter