07411 460732 phil@phil-collins.co.uk
Our passion is to help heritage, environment, public and voluntary sector organisations to realise the potential of our natural and cultural heritage. We help develop economically and environmentally sustainable futures for rural and urban landscapes, parks and gardens, places and heritage, landscape and environmental assets. We do so in dialogue and with the people who value, visit, live and work in them.
Phil Collins is a chartered landscape architect and a professional member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and the Museums Association. Phil has worked in management roles in the National Trust, Torquay Museum, Natural England, English Nature and the private sector. Phil leads our multidisciplinary approach to the development, funding and management of landscape, environmental and heritage projects.
Historic landscapes, monuments, museum collections, churches, secular buildings, industrial and transport heritage
Condition surveys
Research and appraisal
Collections appraisal and managment
Conservation management plans
Heritage management plans
Audience development
Activity planning
Interpretation planning
App and VR design
Building conservation and reuse
Community engagement
Education and learning
Organisational development
Governance reviews
Audits and options appraisals
Strategic visioning and planning
Business plans
Trustee and governance support
Project development
Feasibility studies
Bid preparation
Funding raising
Partnership development
Community engagement
Project management
Stakeholder dialogue
Partnership building
Strategic visioning
Capacity building
Audience development
Education & learning plans
Community & outreach
Activity planning​
Interpretation planning
App and VR design
Landscape, parks and gardens
Research and appraisal
Character analysis
Impact assessment
Statements of significance
Condition surveys
Heritage impact appraisals
Setting appraisal
Feasibility studies
Concept development
Landscape architecture
Conservation management plans
Heritage management plans
​Interpretation plans
Community engagement
Project development
Environmental planning
Ecological assessment
Habitat surveys
Habitat restoration, creation and maintenance
Protected species
Mitigation schemes
Landscape scale projects
Ecosystem Approach
Green Infrastructure
Coastal Change adaptation
Land management planning
Community engagement
Project development
Evidence of need reports
Fundraising strategies
Capital and revenue fundraising
Grants and trust applications
Events and campaigns
Lottery applications
Management & maintenance plans
Conservation management plans
Activity and learning plans
Community engagement plans
Volunteering plans
Audience development plans
Historic England Building Stone Atlases
Research and appraisal
Statements of significance
Condition surveys
Setting appraisal
Feasibility studies
Concept development
Conservation management plans
Project development and funding
Creative re-use, design and specification
Planning and listed building consents
Building Regulations applications
Project management
Future landscapes
Research and appraisal
Feasibility studies
Landscape characterisation
Visual impact assessment
Landscape planning
Landscape architecture
Restoration and management
Community engagement
Education and learning
Project development
East Cornwall Trails - Ecological Assessment